Softimage Releases dotXSI Toolset To Open Source
Attempting to build industry-wide support for its dotSXI file format, Softimage is releasing dotXSI-based tools and code to Open Source. The dotXSI tools and code are des...
Attempting to build industry-wide support for its dotSXI file format, Softimage is releasing dotXSI-based tools and code to Open Source. The dotXSI tools and code are designed to let you customize your development pipeline between Softimage|XSI and Softimage|3D, as well as exchange files and streamline your development pipeline with animation tools from other companies that support the standard, like 3ds max and Macromedia Director. The toolset currently includes the following:
A plug-in for Discreet 3ds max that supports the dotXSI file format
A package for converting dotXSI media to W3D for Macromedia Director
A "Converter Tool Kit" to help develop converters for translating dotXSI files to custom file formats, such as proprietary game engine file formats
A "File Tool Kit" to help add dotXSI support to existing applications
SDK code to extend Softimage|XSI's support for new file formats You can find the Open Source dotXSI components on, at A white paper and list of projects and locations for the various components is available at
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