Marcus Andrews
Marcus Andrews is a game designer with expertise in a wide range of subjects including UI, systems and features, balancing, mission design and online persistence. He is also an IP specialist with experience from the IP department at EA DICE where he besides that also worked in production on titles such as Battlefield: Heroes, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and DICE’s involvement in the new Medal of Honor. Marcus holds a BA in Game Design from the University of Skövde and started his career by winning the Swedish Game Awards 2004 as Lead Designer for a university project called Saga of Ina. He co-founded Lockpick Entertainment the same year with the rest of the team and worked as a senior designer on the company’s title Dreamlords until he got headhunted by EA DICE in 2007. Marcus left EA DICE in 2010 to pursuit new goals in his career; you can follow Marcus on twitter at or send an e-mail to marcus.e.andrews [at]