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Initial thoughts on live user testing for games

What is the purpose of live user testing (closed alpha, closed beta, open beta, and similar) for a game, from a test perspective?

Johan Hoberg, Blogger

October 23, 2014

8 Min Read

What is the purpose of live user testing (closed alpha, closed beta, open beta, and similar) for a game, from a test perspective? What types of tests can you effectively move to live user testing, and what types of tests are better suited for professional game testers? What type of feedback can you expect from live user test compared to professional game testing?  Which bugs are easier found with live user testing than normal game testing? These are questions I will explore in this article, and add my personal view on the subject.


From a marketing and business perspective there can certainly be many reasons to run different types of live user tests, but this is not something I will cover here. We will only discuss the purpose from a testing/QA perspective.

So what should be the purpose of live user testing from a test/QA perspective?

The way I see it live user testing has two main purposes:

  • Feedback from real users

  • Finding specific types of bugs that are difficult to find for a small group of professional game testers

Based on this purpose we can pinpoint a number of test activities that could primarily be done through live user tests instead of by game testers.

Types of tests

I have identified four categories of tests, which I think could be done at large scale through live user tests instead of by game testers.

  • Fun Factor Testing

If something is fun or not is often highly subjective. If you do this through live user test instead of with game testers, and you manage to get feedback properly, it could provide a large and diverse feedback material, which will be more valuable, and more accurate.

  • Learnability & Attractiveness

Can users traverse the UI properly? Do they understand how to play the game? What is the learning curve of the players? Is the game attractive to them? Does the tutorial do a good job of teach the core mechanics of the game? Immersion?  This is something that is very hard for game testers to give universal and unbiased input on.

  • Balance Testing

Monitoring weapon usage in an FPS beta test to see which weapons give a higher K/D ratio could be one example. Monitoring level difficulty based on how many users pass a specific level during a beta test could be another. Game testers are often much better than normal users and difficulty can be hard to assess based on their performance.  It can also be hard for game testers to find the more nuanced game balancing problems, which only show up in a large statistical material. Obviously game testers should find large imbalances long before a live user test starts.

  • Reliability Testing

Stress testing with a large amount of users in a live environment at the same time is an obvious example. Login servers for MMOs come to mind. Long term, high load testing is also difficult to run in a test environment. What happens if 100000 players are active in the game for an extended period of time? Will we have performance degrades, or even crashes?

So what kind of feedback can we expect from the users during a live user test?


On a high level there are two kinds of feedback. You have the feedback forms and surveys that the user fill in and send to you, and you have the data you can collect from the live user test.

  • Quantitative feedback

If you are going to perform valuable live user test, it is my opinion that you have to have the data framework and diagnostic tools in place to handles this. If you can see what the users are doing through data, then suddenly you can take decisions on that data. If 99% of players cannot pass a specific level in 25 attempts, then perhaps it is to hard. If everyone in an FPS match is using the shotgun and no other weapon, then that gives you some information.  If a players K/D ratio is continuously 5 with a pistol, but only 0.5 with an assault rifle, it is at least worth investigating. If players quickly skip the tutorial, then perhaps it should be redesigned. Things like play session lengths, how often players return to the game, when they decide to stop playing, are other examples of value data that can be collected.

The more data you can get the better. This is something you have to think about early in the design and development process, as it is often very hard to solve otherwise.

  • Qualitative feedback

There is of course also a value in surveys and written feedback, however it is often much more difficult and expensive to gather and manage. Also, many times people cannot properly understand and assess the situation. The sniper rifle may feel overpowered, but the statistical data says otherwise. A new interface may be scary at first, but once the user is further along the learning curve it may be a significant improvement. How to create the optimal feedback form to get the right information from the users I leave to experts in that field.

Designer Input

So what kind of input can the game designers get from live user test? I see the input as two separate categories.

  • Game balancing

    • Level difficulty

    • Weapon/skill/class balance

    • Game mechanics fine tuning

    • Etc.

  • User experience / User interaction

    • Attractiveness

    • Fun factor

    • Realism

    • Physics believability

    • Learnability

    • Ease of use

    • Game mechanics

    • Etc.

I will not go further into these categories, since I have basically covered them already. This is not a comprehensive list and you can certainly go into more details here, but I will leave that to someone else.

But apart from this feedback we can also expect to find some bugs, which can be hard to find for game testers.


Here I will list a number of categories of bugs that I think can be found during live user test, which are hard to find for game testers even if they perform immaculately.

  • Bugs triggered by a large amount of simultaneous users over different time periods

    • As I explained in the reliability test section above

  • Intermittent bugs

    • Bugs that only show a certain % of the time and cannot be easily reproduced

  • Combinatorial bugs

    • Bugs that only appear for specific combinations of factors

    • If you have completed a number of quests in a certain order, and you take a specific action, then a bug appears

  • Interoperability bugs

    • Users have different hardware and software platforms, and different accessories

    • All combinations of platforms and accessories is impossible to cover for game testers, but with thousands of users, you will get a better coverage

    • Connectivity and network configurations could also play a role

As you may notice, I did not list interoperability test as something that should be plan for live user test, but I still list interoperability bugs as something you can expect from live user test. My reason for this is that game testers should secure interoperability earlier than live user test, but as I wrote above it will still be difficult for them to cover all different combinations. So I see interoperability bugs as a “fortunate” side effect of live user test, but it is not something that you can just ignore before this phase. Basic interoperability problems should be found long before live user test is started. Same goes for intermittent bugs and combinatorial bugs. You should plan for and try to find these types of bugs earlier, but live user test helps you uncover those bugs that could be impossible to find by a small group of game testers.


You should not use live user test instead of professional game testers – they should complement each other. Of course there could be for example financial constraints that force you to move into live user test too early, but from a pure testing perspective, this is my view.

I believe that there are many hidden costs with starting live user test too early. Not only will the users not enjoy a bug-riddled game, which may result in negative feelings about the game, but they will also flood the developers with feedback, which needs to be analyzed. Imagine thousands of bug reports which all have the same simple core problem. Analyzing all of them will be very time and resource consuming for something that could have reported by a single game tester. Bug reports from live user tests are seldom as accurate and easy to analyze as similar reports from game testers.

I think live user test is a very valuable tool if wielded correctly. But it is not a silver bullet to all your testing problems.

Obviously you can deep dive into much of what I have discussed. There are data analysts, game designers and game developers that I am sure have much to say about different aspects of live user test, but in this article I am tried to focus on the testing perspective, and these are my views at the moment.

/Johan Hoberg

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