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New School Blues UPDATE! Game Has Launched Today!

We're taking a break from our regularly scheduled dev diary update to announce our game has been launched! Please visit yoyobologames.tumblr.com for more details. We'll resume retroactively posting past dev diary entries tomorrow!

Yoyo Bolo, Blogger

February 25, 2013

2 Min Read



It is with great pride and excitement that we announce New School Blues is now available free to play online as well as free to download and play on your iPad or Android Tablet!

To play online, please visit:

  • Untold Entertainment’s website here

  • Our Kongregate page here

To download and play, please visit:

  • Our iPad App Store page here

  • Our Android Tablet Google Play page here

We truly hope you enjoy our game and would love to hear what you think about it!  The dev diary isn’t complete since there are still some elements of development to go - believe it or not - but we think it’s a fitting time to take a moment and say thanks!  So thank you for following, and for reading about us and our game.


But the thanks don’t stop there.  We’d also like to give a big thanks to people who took the time to play our game ahead of launch and give us valuable feedback and insight on how to make it better!  So thank you:

  • Alex Bethke (@MrAlexBethke)

  • Cale Bradbury (@netgrind)

  • Robby Duguay (@RobbyDuguay)

  • Matt Hammill (@matthammill)

  • Rhett Fester (@rhettfester)

  • Kim Lussier

  • Jim Whittington

  • Bridgid McNulty (@rejectmaggie)

  • and Jim Munroe

Thanks to our families for supporting us during these crazy, but inspiring few months!

Last, but certainly not least, and obviously most of all, thank you so much to Ryan Creighton and Untold Entertainment for giving us this amazing opportunity to work together and learn together.  His patience, understanding, guidance, and insight are the reasons this was even possible.


And one more time, thank you!  We hope you enjoy the game because we really enjoyed making it.

Amir, Jonathan, Mike, and Ryan

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