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Team Building Exercises with Dream Build Play

Knowing who can help or who you can help is just as important as building your own project with Dream Build Play. Follow some simple tips to maximise your potential in the project or look for other like minds who can help you realise your dream.

Simon Jackson, Blogger

August 23, 2017

3 Min Read



As noted from my previous post on Dream Build Play, the competition has now roared in to life and everyone who registered is now able to start filling in their profile and highlighting both their existing games and their future competition entry.

If you haven’t done so already, Update your Profile and publicise your games and entry!

However, what is not immediately apparent, is that the profile system is there not just to showcase yourself, but to also offer your services to other devs who either are turned away at building something so big and new or need a little extra help on their project (I’m specifically looking at you, all those with skills beyond programmer art and play the guitar Open-mouthed smile)

Get together with Dream Build Play



Dream Build Play is meant to inspire all of us to Dream Big, Build the most uber project we can so everyone can Play it! But we don’t have to do it alone!

Thanks to the profile system, if you don’t feel up to building your own project, then simply offer your services for either a share of the prizes or a share of the mountains of cash when it’s on sale (or just for recognition and thanks?).   This enables anyone who’s already in the competition to look for help they need and recruit you in to their projects.

Also, if you have this brilliant idea and not sure how to build it (or your art skills are like mine and a stickman is a bit of a challenge), then search for potential team members, reach out to them and then enter as one team, the choice is up to you.

If you are advertising your services on the site, be sure to highlight exactly what you are good at! (and willing to do!)

In the profile screen, you’ll see a lot of details you can enter.

Everything from Your nickname, country and a sneaky little avatar picture, along with all your networks, connections and such. like Github, twitter, facebook, etc.

What’s important if you want to put yourself out there, is a description of yourself and your Skills in the dedicated area. 

I’ve pictured mine just for reference (sorry, I’m not really available as I’m already busy )


Once done, you will be available on the site for all to see:



Searching for a Star



Now comes the fun bit, whether you are searching for your team mates or someone else is looking for you (best not to advertise it you’re wanted in some regard Confused smile). From the Community panel, you’ll be able to search for friends either by name, skills or where they live (so make sure you put down the skills you have)



So, whether you’re looking for an artist, programmer, modeller, animator or just someone to make coffee in your local town (I joke, as there isn’t a coffee Skill. But there SHOULD be!) then this feature will make your life much easier.  once you are done searching, reach out get chatting and, more importantly, GET BUILDING!




As with last time, If you’ve read this far, be sure to check out my upcoming post about game dev diaries.  In short, if you haven’t already, START ONE NOW!! 
Open-mouthed smile

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