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Dr. E to Change His Name to Dr. EA @ The 2009 Comic-Con! Electronic Arts Finds Great Inspiration and Exalting Direction in Dr. EA's (formerly Dr. E) 2005-08 words/patents/blogs!Dr. E to Change His Name to Dr. EA @ The 2009 Comic-Con! Electronic Arts Finds Great Inspiration and Exalting Direction in Dr. EA's (formerly Dr. E) 2005-08 words/patents/blogs!

DR.E IS NOW DR. EA! CONSEQUENCES OF MORAL CHOICES! DANTE'S INFERNO! EPIC STORY! HISTORICAL EVENTS! EMOTION! GREAT LITERATURE! Electronic Arts finds great inspiration and exalting direction in Dr. EA's(formerly Dr. E) /2005-08 words/res./patents/blogs!

Dr. Elliot McGucken, Blogger

July 22, 2009

17 Min Read
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It looks like someone at EA has internet access!  For they have been reading Gamasutra/ Gamedev.net/ Neogaf/ Something Awful/ BrokenToys/ Eegra/ TeamXbox/ their email/ dantesinfernogame.com (2005)/ greatbooksgames.com (2005)/ the US patent database (2005-2008)/ twitter/ the internet / and did I say Gamedev.net? Yes, somebody at EA has been reading  http://libertariangames.blogspot.com  , http://gold45revolver.com (October Suprise!), http://gamestorytelling.com , http://artsentrepreneurship.com (2005) , http://autumnrangers.com  (2004),  http://herosjourneyentrepreneurship.org (2007). Yes--while it might take them a couple years to get through my 2005/2006/2007/2008 "giant walls of text (as they train the fanboys/fanmbas to label epic literature)," someone at EA has at least read my 2005/2006/2007/2008 research/patent abstracts below, http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2007/0087798.html, http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2009/0017886.html .   Yes--they have been Reading One Last Continue: http://www.onelastcontinue.com/9136/vampire-zombie-communist-hookers-patent-it/ and Words on Play: http://wordsonplay.wordpress.com/2009/05/28/system-and-method-for-creating-exalted-video-games-and-virtual-realities-wherein-ideas-have-consequences/

Yes somebody has been surfing the net at EA on company time! Naughty naughty!  If everyone is surfing the net, instead of working 22 hour days, how will the storyless games with story, emotionless games with emotion, amoral games with morality, and dante's inferno without dante's inferno ever reach beta?????   http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/9.125556?page=2 (Note how when individuals come up with new ideas it is absurd, but when the corporate MBA announces the "new" idea months/years later in shiny power point presentations and official Harvard MBA press releases, it is seen as great and exalted widsom.  Fanboys are trained from an early by the corproate state to respond to superficial stimulus, to never question the master chief MBA/CEO, to hire and kill hookers, label the classics and epic poetry "giant walls of text" and worship the corporate state's mammary glands as it provides the withering soul its sustenance, as it kills their fathers in the fminist movement, keeping them in their single mom's basements, preventing them from going forth and finding their true fathers--Moses, Jefferson, Homer, Gandhi, Buddha, Emerson, Campbell, sun Tzu, Confucious, and Zeus.)

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." --Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

And the truth is this: "Tomorrow's franchises will be lead by novels--by the classical, epic ideals performed in the contemporary context, beginning with words expressing epic, exalted story--with novels written by rugged, singular authors.   Yes--it is coming on back.  Comic books are great and all, but they lack the epic depths of Dante's Inferno, Shakespeare's Hamlet, Moby Dick, and Autumn Rangers.  Why limit oneself to fleeting phantasms cobbled together by committees of fanboy MBAs yet exalting yesterday's amoral/hooker-killing technologies, when one can have depth, profundity, epic story, character, meaning, soul, and romance?  Why put the cart of spectacle in front of the horse of epic story?  For after all, in his Poetics, Aristotle placed story first and spectacle close to last." Why play the same old game (hyped with a new $69.95 skin), when you can have epic poetry exalting the soul's immortal moral premises?

Of course the fiatocracy's dumbed-down academies train the fanboys to scream "giant walls of text" when they see Aristotle's Poetics or the Constitution (by giving them A's), and to run back on home to their mom's basement to kill more unarmed women in metallic bras in Fallout 3/GTA/aging boomer-tech.  But one cannot stop an idea whose time has come, and the Great Books Gaming Renaissance shall be! For the fanboy revolution, engraved in destiny from the dawn of time, hath begun!  Soon the rising, epic demand to wield a Gold 45 Revolver which fires Zeus's lightning during the third-act's showdown, as long as one walked the straight and narrow throughout the game, will be realized!  Of course, due to the epic corporate/fiat arrogance, a few more classic literary works may first of all need to be crucified (in the original Beowulf he kills Grendel's mother--in the Hollywood remake he sleeps with her: in the original Dante's Inferno Beatrice is in Heaven/Paradisio--in EA's remake she is in hell), a few billion more in market cap may need to be lost by the fanboi MBAz, and the epic, poetic soul of a few million more families may need to be destroyed by the fiatocracy, along with a few thousand more jobs in the gaming industry.

But the thing about the soul--it is immortal, and it shall forever yearn for epic, exalted art and Moses' and Zeus's thundering justice and catharsis.  And fanboys all around the world are yearning to bring that immoral thunder on down in the third act--in deep, meaningful, and profound games wherein they can fight for classical ideals as did Leonidas; instead of chainsawing locust, after locust, after locust, after locust... after locust, taking a break and hiring and killing unarmed women, and then shooting more locusts, as the fanboys put the cart (mere spectacle) in front of the horse (epic story) in trying to create a frachise instead of exalted art.  Scorates reminds us that virtue and epic soul do not come from money/MBAs, but that wealth and money come from virtue and soul, and Aristotle stated that "story is the soul of a work."  Hence Ranger McCoy must reload APRIL with the moral operating system.

Yes--these words flow like water, right on through the cubicles and on by the fanboy MBA's stalwart prejudice against exalted romance, character, honor, Constitutional Law, and epic, enduring love.  The words fly under the radar and over heads, immune to BFGs and Chainsaw Lancers, right on up into the upper echelons of major gaming companies.  These exalted, eloquent, buzzord-free words bother them--the phrases seem strange and impolite at first, as if they never made it through business school but still want to hang out in the same room.  Make no mistake--the CEOs/Scottish Nobles/Sauron/Darth Vader do not like these words, and will never, never acknowledge them nor their source; but with all the shedding of market-cap and jobs, they've got to try something.  Even if it means reading the "large walls of text" the feminist MBAs were sent forth to deconstruct and destory to make way for the fiatocracy's supreme rule via dumbed-down fiat.

Dude! Check it out!  Dr. E's ideas, words, and phrases are totally pw3d1n9 EA's 2009 Comic Con presentations, as well as their entire corporate vision! 

http://www.monstersandcritics.com/gaming/news/article_1490917.php/Electronic_Arts_Comic-Con_schedule " CONSEQUENCES OF MORAL CHOICES!  DANTE'S INFERNO!  EPIC STORY! HISTORICAL EVENTS! EMOTION! GREAT LITERATURE! THE GREAT BOOKS RENAISSANCE!"  (See the 2005/2006/2007/2008 patent abstracts below for more!)

I am thinking of changing my name to Dr. EA as I head on down to San Diego!!! ALL YOUR GOLD 45 REVOLVER ARE BELONG TO US!!!(EA coined/trademarked the phrase "all your base are belong to usTM" in 2007, while staging a protest of fake aliens to publicize something or other)

Gold 45 Revolver

Gold 45 Revolver

The ideas, words, and phrases from my two patent applications/blogs/articles/websites are rockin' Comic Con 2009!  This soooo rocks!!  I'm gonna give them some Gold 45 Revolver t-shirts, as in 2010 they'll be rockin' their Gold 45 Revolver technologies/games!  Wahoo!  And too, I am going to tell them a secret--epic story is not to be found in corporate hype, but it is to be found in the Great Books and Classics.  A new age has begun--an age of freedom--and rather than leaidng with committees of video game fanboy/manboy/MBAs, the industry will soon be lead by indie artsists, as sure as one man--Herman Melville penned Moby Dick--as sure as one man--Dante Aligheri--rocked the Divine Comedy, and not a committee of fanboy MBAs.  It is not enough to merely use the title Dante's Inferno to sell a God of War mod, nor hire fake Christians to protest it, but one must perform the classical ideals in the contemporary context, in the living art of one's own--art such as Autumn Rangers and the Beatrice Game Engine.

Dr. E's showdown!

Dr. E  taking on the corporate conglomerates as they eat his ideas?  Note all the fanboys sent forth to mock the ideas, while the massive corporation eats them & regurgitates them as GoW mods & the same old games with "epic story" and "deeper emotion" printed on the box. "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." --Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)  And then the MBA/fanboy deconstructs it, repackages it, and sells it as "Art." (Note how Beatrice is in Heaven--where Dante put here, while EA is consigning her to hell.) 

For no great film/video games/comic books franchise has ever been lead by anything other than epic story, and no epic piece of film nor literature has ever been composed by anything other than the individual--the lone poet warrior and rugged warrior poet.  And too, in the long run, epic art is not about making money to serve the corporate fanboy/MBA fiatocracy; but it has ever been about heroically exalting the timeless, epic ideals--serving the universal, immutable moral premises--come hell or high water, as did Herman Melville and Dante.

Dante penned The Inferno in exile, and Melville died pennieless and unkown, with an unpublished copy of Billy Budd in his top desk drawer.  Both poet warriors--both ruggedly individualist souls served the immortal, timeless, epic truths; and soon, video games shall also achieve and exalt classical, epic art. Neither hired fake Christians to stage a protest of their art, neither sewed a cross in Dante's flesh while mocking epic Religion and Art, and neither put Beatrice in hell; but instead, both understood that she was incorruptible.

And this fall we can all look forward to Dr. E's (Dr. EA's) textbook The Gold 45 Revolver: The Hero's Journey in Arts Entrepreneurship & Technology, and the re-release of his novel Autumn Rangers: The Legend of The Gold 45 Revolver.



O my prophetic soul! --Hamlet

"[b]Morality[/b] system and method for video game: system and method for creating [b]story[/b], deeper meaning and [b]emotions[/b], enhanced characters and AI, and dramatic art in video games: Dr. EA's United States Patent Application 20070087798 Kind Code:A1
Abstract:A video game and game system incorporating a game character's morality level that is affected by game occurrences such as moral, amoral, or immoral choices in an [b]epic story's[/b] deeper context. The character's [b]morality[/b] level affects the game's environment. Such a feedback system based on [b]moral[/b] premises provides an efficient means to enhance and deepen game play, as a sensible, realistic, meaningful, profound, and epic story naturally emerges. The measurement of moral choices will allow a player's soul to be rendered upon the screen in cinematic action paralleling internal dramatic action, thus providing the dramatic elements of classic literature and film. The presentation of moral choices in the game, based upon moral premises, will allow plot points that result in character arcs, romantic relationships, exalted game play, and [b]epic story[/b]. [b]Moral choices will lead to overall success, while immoral or amoral choices will lead to overall failure[/b]. "
[url]http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2007/0087798.html[/url]  (COMES COMPLETE WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE DANTE'S INFERNO GAME PRESENTED AT THE 2005 DGEXPO!!!  READ IT OR SEE BELOW!)

System and method for creating exalted video games and virtual realities wherein [b]ideas have consequences[/b] United States Patent Application 20090017886 Kind Code:A1
Abstract:A video game method and system for creating games where [b]ideas have consequences, incorporating branching paths that correspond to a player's choices,[/b] wherein paths correspond to decisions founded upon ideals, resulting in exalted games with deeper soul and [b]story[/b], enhanced characters and meanings, and exalted gameplay. The classical hero's journey may be rendered, as the journey hinges on choices pivoting on classical ideals. Ideas that are rendered in word and deed will have consequences in the gameworld. [b]Historical events[/b] such as The American Revolution may be brought to life, as players listen to famous speeches and choose sides. As [b]great works of literature[/b] and dramatic art center around characters rendering ideals real, both internally and externally, in word and deed, in love and war, the present invention will afford video games that exalt the classical soul, as well as the [b]great books, classics, and epic films[/b]—past, present, and future. --http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2009/0017886.html

How Dr. E is Leading Electronic Arts' 2009 Comic Con Extravaganza, and How EA Has a Long, Long Journey Yet To Go in Epic Story, Exalted Emotion, Classical Literature/Dante's Inferno, and Rendering "The Consequences of Moral Choices" in Games.

Titles of Dr. E's (Dr. EA's) 2005/2006/2007/2008 research:

"[b]Morality[/b] system and method for video game: system and method for creating story, deeper meaning and [b]emotions[/b], enhanced characters and AI, and dramatic art in video games." (Includes a full treatment of a [b]Dante's Inferno Game!  See below!![/b])
"System and method for creating exalted video games and virtual realities wherein [b]ideas have consequences[/b]"

Full title:  How Dr. E is Leading Electronic Arts' 2009 Comic Con Extravaganza, and How EA Has a Long, Long Journey Yet To Go in a "[b]Dante's Inferno Game[/b]," "portraying [b]emotion[/b] in a more viseceral way than [b]books & film[/b] traditionally display," "the art of crafting a believable, [b]epic story[/b]," "how [b]historical events[/b] served as the foundation for their upcoming action sandbox game," and "working with comic artists to show players [b]the consequences of their moral choices[/b] throughout the game."

Here's the EA comic-con schedule!  Check out how they have infused their vision with Dr. E's (Dr. EA's) 2005/2206/2007/2008 ideas and words!!

Thursday July 23, Room 8; 12:30-1:30 Dante's Inferno — Jonathan Knight (executive producer, EA), Ash Huang (art director), Brandon Auman (writer), Christos Gage (writer), and Victor Cook (director) talk about the adaptation of this literary classic into pop culture. They will discuss how they translated the various aspects of [b]The Divine Comedy[/b] (Dr. E's (Dr. EA's) 2005 DGEXPO Booth & 2005/2006/2007/2008 patent applications! [url]http://dantesinfernogame.com,[/url] [url]http://greatbooksgames.com[/url]) into a video game, an animated feature, and a comic series, where they were faithful and where they invented, and how each of the mediums differs. Also get a peak at EA's game in development, and also watch the world premiere trailer for the animated feature [b]Dante's Inferno[/b] co-produced by EA and Starz Media.

Friday July 24, Room 2; 6:00-7:00 Dead Space Extraction — Chuck Beaver (Producer), Ben Templesmith (Illustrator) and Antony Johnston (Writer) will discuss utilizing the interactive gaming medium to portray [b]emotion[/b] in a more visceral way than [b]books & film[/b] traditionally display. Visceral Games executive producer Steve Papoutsis discusses the implementation of [b]story[/b] and talent into games and the art of crafting a believable, [b]epic story[/b] ("Epic Story" Mentioned Three Times in the Abstract for [url]http://www.google.com/patents/about?id=ee-jAAAAEBAJ:[/url] A video game and game system incorporating a game character's [b]morality[/b] level that is affected by game occurrences such as [b]moral, amoral, or immoral choices[/b] in an [b]epic story[/b]'s deeper context. The character's morality level affects the game's environment. Such a feedback system based on moral premises provides an efficient means to enhance and deepen game play, as a sensible, realistic, meaningful, profound, and [b]epic story[/b] naturally emerges. The measurement of moral choices will allow a player's soul to be rendered upon the screen in cinematic action paralleling internal dramatic action, thus providing the dramatic elements of classic literature and film. The presentation of moral choices in the game, based upon moral premises, will allow plot points that result in character arcs, romantic relationships, exalted game play, and [b]epic story[/b]. [b]Moral choices[/b] will lead to overall success, while immoral or amoral choices will lead to overall failure"--"[b]Morality[/b] system and method for video game: system and method for creating story, deeper meaning and [b]emotions[/b], enhanced characters and AI, and dramatic art in video games," by Dr. E (Dr. EA)) into this fall's Wii exclusive Dead Space Extraction.

Saturday July 25, Room 2; 2:00-3:00 The Saboteur — Rethinking the WWII Gaming Genre— Pandemic Studios™ lead designer Tom French and art director Chris Hunt discuss how historical events (Check out Dr. EA's System and method for creating exalted video games and virtual realities wherein [b]ideas have consequences[/b] United States Patent Application 20090017886 Kind Code:A1 Abstract:A video game method and system for creating games where [b]ideas have consequences, incorporating branching paths that correspond to a player's choices,[/b] wherein paths correspond to decisions founded upon ideals, resulting in exalted games with [b]deeper soul and story[/b], enhanced characters and meanings, and exalted gameplay. The classical hero's journey may be rendered, as the journey hinges on choices pivoting on classical ideals. Ideas that are rendered in word and deed will have consequences in the gameworld. [b]Historical events[/b] such as The American Revolution may be brought to life, as players listen to famous speeches and choose sides. As great works of literature and dramatic art center around characters rendering ideals real, both internally and externally, in word and deed, in love and war, the present invention will afford video games that exalt the classical soul, as well as the [b]great books, classics, and epic films[/b]—past, present, and future. --http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2009/0017886.html,. by Dr. EA ) served as the foundation for their upcoming action sandbox game The Saboteur, who the Saboteur is, and how the innovative combination of game design and artistic style were employed to develop a unique experience.

Sunday July 26. Room 6A; 3:15-4:15 Army of Two: The 40th Day — Bridging Video Games with Comics. In this panel Reid Schneider (Executive Producer - Army of Two) and Alex Hutchinson (Creative Director - Army of Two) will discuss how they have been working with comic artists to show players "[b]the consequences of their moral choices[/b]" throughout the game.

(Check out Dr. EA's (formerly Dr. E) 2005/2006/2007/2008 versions! Abstract: A video game method and system for creating games where [b]ideas have consequences, incorporating branching paths that correspond to a player's choices[/b], wherein paths correspond to decisions founded upon ideals, resulting in exalted games with deeper soul and story, enhanced characters and meanings, and exalted gameplay. The classical hero's journey may be rendered, as the journey hinges on [b]choices pivoting on classical ideals[/b]. Ideas that are rendered in word and deed will have consequences in the gameworld. [b]Historical events[/b] such as The American Revolution may be brought to life, as players listen to famous speeches and choose sides. As great works of literature and dramatic art center around characters rendering ideals real, both internally and externally, in word and deed, in love and war, the present invention will afford video games that exalt the classical soul, as well as the great books, classics, and epic films--past, present, and future.
Claims: 1. A method for creating video games and virtual realities wherein [b]ideas have consequences[/b]), and how the in-depth involvement of these artists in the production of Army of Two changes the feel of the game

Read more: [url]http://www.monstersandcritics.com/gaming/news/article_1490917.php/Electronic_Arts_Comic-Con_schedule#ixzz0Lzxsv5Jc[/url]

In 2005, Dr. E presented a Dante's Inferno Game at the DGEXPO, alongside Great Books Games (somebody contacted me in 2008 regarding buying dantesinfernogame.com!):

"The physical action and dramatic action would be unified by the moral premise, thus deepening and emboldening the experience of both; thusly resulting in a higher artistic experience in the game." --Dr. E

"Just as a moral premise unifies movies, and just as holding onto a moral premise through adversity leads to complex and great stories such as those described by Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey, so too would a moral premise unify a game and provide the game designers an easier method for designing open-ended, realistic games, without first of all going through every possible iteration of the game. " --Dr. E


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Rock on & rock out!

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