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Array of Game DesignArray of Game Design

Super brilliant ideas are useless if they are not organized into complete document as it will just temporary exist in mind and disappear. Creating game design needs good structure in order to achieve the best result.

Andrew Putrajaya, Blogger

February 19, 2012

3 Min Read
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Game design is a process of creating complete document which declares detail information about the game. In developing game design, creativity and innovation are needed. However, not only ideas, but structure is also important. Game design without good structure is difficult to be read, although the idea is super brilliant. In addition, good game design has to be complete, in this case, there is no ambiguity in the rules or the technical part. Basically, there are four steps of game design :


1. Brainstorming

In this step, ideas are generated as many as possible. If there is a specific purpose, it might be better if the brainstorming process is directed to the point that wants to be achieved. In my opinion, brainstorming should be done informally, people should say what they think at that time spontaneously. In that situation, ideas will be gathered, and there must be one person or more who write list of those ideas. It is not recommended to say things that are too long or too complete, it should be brief and clear because it might dominate the process of brainstorming.


2. Constriction

The result of brainstorming would be million of ideas, and it is a bunch of words. Constriction is the process to  organize the ideas into more specific. In this step, game mechanics is declared, story is made, and concept art is depicted. There are some theories about game development which say about creating game based on game mechanics, or story, or graphics. Well, that theory should be applied here, developers can freely choose where they want to start from, or if they have specific purpose in their mind, then they can generate it from the list of ideas.


3. Itemization

Itemization is the process of finalizing the game design document. In this step, the game rules are declared, the design of the game scene is defined, the workflow of the game is specified, etc. This is where game designer takes a lot of effort to generate things that are needed in the game, it has to be complete and balance. The game design should be able to be understood by everyone, means the language should not be too technical.


4. Architecture

After the game design document has been done, it will be submitted to game programmer. Architecture is the last step of game design, it is a process of creating technical document which represents the game system in the form of diagram or any visualization. For declaring requirement of game system, use case diagram can be used as functional model. For defining the structure of the game system, class diagram can be used as object model. For depicting the workflow of the game system, flowchart can be used as dynamic model. In short, game design also has technical aspect which explains the game system in the form of diagram, which will be used by game programmer to build the game.

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