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The Ultimate PR Resource For Gaming Startups: 1500+ Amazing Blog Contacts
Lists of blogs could be your ace in the hole when you are looking for reviews or featured articles. So, I thought that sharing my lists might be of some help to you all. Consider it a kind of handy reference.
In a startup, the founders usually wear many hats. I myself started as a backend developer, now I’m also into Business Development for our latest Trading Card Game “Dengen Chronicles”. Over time, thanks to my online PR activity, I managed to build a substantial list of super useful resources.
Lists of blogs in particular could be your ace in the hole when you are looking for reviews or featured articles. So, I thought that sharing my lists might be of some help to you all. Consider it a kind of handy reference.
Before going any further, I would like to point out that:
Some of the blogs here are just “tech blogs”. Don’t be afraid to contact those bloggers, they might be interested in your game.
Contact email addresses are not always provided. However, you can easily find them.
Please, please, please, don’t spam. It's just as simple as that.
Let’s get the ball rolling.
Link: Promoter
Description: Promoter is a web app that tracks press for your games and apps. One of the main features is a list of 800+ gaming and tech websites.
Pros: the list is pretty huge; the websites are grouped by platform and sorted by twitter followers.
Cons: contact email addresses are missing.
Links: List of Game Journalists – The Big List of Video Game Sites – The Big List of Indie Game Sites (these are my personal choice, but there are lots more)
Description: PixelProspector is the ultimate resource! If you are a game developer, chances are, you already know it. Otherwise, hurry up and add it to your bookmarks. This website is full of free and useful resources.
Pros: the websites are grouped by platform and by country and most of them have contact email addresses.
Cons: the lists are a bit messy.
The lists of Brownstein & Egusa
Links: Top 100 Tech Blogs – Top Tech Blog Reporters
Description: Founded by former VentureBeat writer, Brownstein & Egusa is a PR firm focused on tech startups. You can find interesting stuff on their website.
Pros: contact emails or forms, twitter accounts and short descriptions. Use them all to your advantage.
Cons: the websites are not strictly game related.
A Google doc found by serendipity
Link: google doc
Description: don’t ever underestimate the power of serendipity. Here is an amazing resource.
Pros: the blogs are categorized; most of them have contact email addresses.
Cons: the list is rather short and not updated.
Now, it’s your turn! Do you know other interesting lists? Feel free to share them in the comments below.
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