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How Does New Technology Impact The Gaming Industry?

The advancement in the new technology is changing our everyday lives in some or the other way. We are too much dependent on the modern technology these days. It improves our lives and makes them more comfortable on a daily basis.

Binay Jha, Blogger

February 21, 2017

5 Min Read

The advancement in the new technology is changing our everyday lives in some or the other way. We are too much dependent on the modern technology these days. It improves our lives and makes them more comfortable on a daily basis. Modern technology has also influenced the gaming industry in the last few years. It has made the games simplified and fun to play with. 

What are the new technological advancements in the gaming industry?

Artificial intelligence 

Artificial intelligence has greatly influenced the gaming industry. It is widely being used Artificial intelligence plans the game movement and bring virtual worlds to life. AI engages the game players. When artificial intelligent characters play against the users, it offers an incredible gaming experience. The game designers can adjust the parameters and decide upon how the characters in the game would move. 

AI can be a general set of rules used to govern the behavior of the players in the gaming industry. A variety of actions can be used to create an engaging and addictive game with artificial intelligence involved. The most complex intelligent games are built upon pre-defined conditional rules. Artificial intelligence is considered to be a great technological advancement in video games. 

3 Dimensional Games

Two dimension games have their own limitations. The possibilities with 2D will get exhausted very soon. Three dimensional games have been around since the 1980s, with games like Red Racer. Early platforms were not very appealing, but now, 3D is considered to be a must for games. 3D technology opens up several interesting potentials for the games. It also enhances the player’s level of immersion in the video game and keeps the users glued to their seats for hours together. It offers better graphics and enhances the look and feel of the games. 

Online play

Online playing of the games makes it convenient for the users to play games of their choice. Irrespective of the geographical boundaries, the users can engage and play games. You can enjoy a game with a person sitting at some other corner of the world. Isn’t that interesting? One can choose the game slots and play games with the desired player sitting at other part of the world. This was impossible a few decades back, but now, it is a reality. 

Advanced touch technology

Few years ago, video games had buttons and controls through a remote. Nobody could ever imagine that games would be played by simply swiping and touching the screen. With the recent advancements in the touch technology, there is no doubt that it is a game-changer in the IT industry. Touch screens can be found virtually everywhere, right from smartphones to tablets to computers and laptops. Game developers all over the world are trying their best to take the advantage of touchscreen technology while creating the games. 


When everything is being made portable, how could we leave gaming behind? Gaming consoles and other devices have become easy to transport. People now prefer to play games anywhere, at any time. All they need to do is press the button and entertainment will be available immediately. There is no need for the user to go to the TV and consoles to play a game. Everything is available at fingertips. Portability in gaming had been lagging behind, but since the last few years, the technology has been surrounded in games also. With this innovation, users can play games on their cell phones and gaming consoles also. 

Motion sensors

Though they are relatively new, they have opened up new opportunities for the game. People who do not like to use gaming controllers or keyboards can make use of motion sensors and enjoy an amazing gameplay. Motion sensors offer a great alternative that engages the users with the games. 

How has technology helped the modern gamers?

1.It encourages innovation and creativity

With the modernization of the technology, it becomes easier for the business owners to put everything in the game and engage the gamers. One can play the games at the comfort of their own bed or couch. Gaming industry creates a lot of job opportunities for creative designers and developers. When they think out of the box, amazing games are created. 

2.It boosts productivity

Sometimes your game can be a failure or your business may be considered to be a big mistake. Your game developers may sometimes fail to deliver what exactly you want. Incorporating modern technology with gaming can make your business productive. There are several ways in which your game can help in monetization. 

3.It increases your network through social media

Using social media to spread the word about your game can help you a lot. Socializing on such networks help you grow your network and attract more and more users to the game. Embrace social media for gaining new customers and enjoy the maximum profits. 

4.Enhanced quality of game

The gaming experience has been considerably improved with the use of modern technology. Users would love high quality games and it also ensures that they will keep coming back to your game again and again. A good quality game will pull the users and gamers towards itself

5.It improves the way we communicate

Modern technology has made the communication easier and more accessible for all Advanced communication tools such as emails, instant messaging system, chats, video conferencing, and social networking apps help us send messages across. Such means of communication can be used in gaming industry by attracting new players. Modern technology allows the users to deliver what he wants from one server to another. This would help the game developers and customers. 

Wrap Up

We all are using modern technology in some or the other way. Each aspect of modern tech has its advantages and disadvantages. It is apparent that technology has full potential to enhance your brand image and pull new customers. Before adopting any advanced technology, one needs to ensure whether it is the right choice matching their requirements and business objectives. 

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