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Bonnie's Brunch 2: iOS Game Sales/Piracy Statistics Analyzed

Recently I analyzed some data from the sales tracking software and app analytics and found some interesting statistics. Which country has lowest piracy rate and highest IAP purchase rate?

Jheng Wei Ciao, Blogger

January 24, 2013

1 Min Read

I would like to share some statistics of my latest game Bonnie’s Brunch 2 released on Nov. 29th, 2012. It is a simulation-strategy genre game designed particularly for female players.

It has been 2 months since Bonnie’s Brunch 2 was released. Although it does not make a big hit, the sales volume is decent and was once featured by Apple on New & Noteworthy category in 13 countries.

Recently I analyzed some data from the sales tracking software App Viz 2 and app analytics Flurry and found some interesting statistics:

  • The download ratio of Full version to Lite version is 1 : 6. The conversion rate is about 16%.

  • The piracy rate is 53%. Statistics by country:

    • USA: 5%

    • China: 93%

    • Japan: 3%

    • United Kingdom: 19%

    • Singapore: 6%

    • Hong Kong: 19%

    • Taiwan: 17%

  • The purchase rate of Coin Packs (IAP product): 1.4%

  • The purchase rate of Level Pack (IAP product): 15.3%

    • USA: 15%

    • China: 13%

    • Japan: 28%

    • United Kingdom: 18%

    • Singapore: 13%

    • Hong Kong: 16%

    • Taiwan: 16%

Do these statistics match your experience?

Note that the Lite version was released 3 weeks later after the Full version. Many colleagues are impressed on the Lite-to-Full conversion rate and ask how did we achieve that. Honestly, we consider it is a word-of-mouth effect resulted from the good comments and ratings of our preivous title Bonnie's Brunch.

Look at these numbers. I guess that’s why I love Japan sooooooo much that we decided to develop a Japanese style action-arcade game Jade Ninja.  ;-)

Further reading: Postmortem: Bonnie's Brunch on iPhone

Follow me @MonkeyPotion

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