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Game Dev Digest Issue #110 - Give your game a makeover
Game Dev Digest Issue #110 - Give your game a makeover. The latest from the free weekly Unity3d/gamedev newsletter.
This article was originally published on GameDevDigest.com
Check out the great stuff on AI, traversal, promoting your game, and a bunch of great assets. Enjoy!
Enemy AI in Unity Games with ML-Agents Toolkit - Enemy AI is an important element of games as it breathes life into our adversaries. Who would want to fight an enemy that stands in one place while bumping into a wall every second rather than focus at attacking us? Needless to say that would ruin the experience in an instant and put players off. In this article we are going to go through a technique that will make our non-playable characters (NPCs) “aware” of their surroundings. They will make decisions on the gained knowledge in a 2D platformer thanks to the ML-Agents toolkit.
The Scriptable Object Asset Registry Pattern - This article describes a pattern to serialize prefabs or any complex data. Doing so allows us to store data to disk or send it over a network to either a game server or another game client. This article pairs well with the previous article on saving and loading data, so I recommend you read that one first if you haven’t already.
Bronson Zgeb
Extra Builder - Imagine you are in a game jam. You want to publish to as many platforms as possible so more people would have a chance to play your game. But getting a build and uploading to itch takes time. And if you have more than one you have to wait until a build completes, switch to the new target platform, start a new build.
Anton Semchenko
Productivity tips with Odin: A tool for making tools - With over 100 attributes to streamline workflow, Odin Inspector lets you enjoy the benefits of a powerful, customized, and user-friendly editor without writing any custom editor code. Meanwhile, the powerful and extensible Odin Serializer, alongside the Odin Validator, which scans your work for underlying issues, similarly serve to support your most ambitious endeavors.
Video Game Trailer Specifications - Each of the major video game platforms have different video specifications for trailers; if your trailer doesn't comply, you can waste valuable time re-submitting. The information on this page is a based on official branding guides, trailer submission guides, and trailers clients of mine have successfully submit.
Unity 2021.2.0 Beta 12 - Unity 2021.2.0 Beta 12 and Unity 2022.1.0 Alpha 8 have been released.
30 Minute Steam Page Makeovers - In this 2021 GDC session, marketing consultant Chris Zukowski gives some great tips to improve Steam pages for video games, showing Steam Store changes that will actually have an effect on your game.
Making enemy AI detect the player in Unity 2D - In this tutorial I will show you different ways to create AI sensors so that your enemy AI can detect the player. Scripts will be about Unity 2D but the same method can be applied to Unity 3D.
Sunny Valley Studio
Push Obstacles Using a Character Controller (Unity Tutorial) - In this Unity tutorial we're going to look at how we can push obstacles around using a Character Controller and Unity’s physics system.
Ketra Games
Fixing Gaps between Tiles in Unity 2D // Removing Unity Tilemap Gaps. (Unity 2D Tutorial) - If you've ever tried to work with Unity Tilemaps, you've probably seen those weird invisible lines between tiles. No worries, in this video I'll show you 3 ways to fix them! ;)
Khud0 - Indie Game Dev
Exterior Lighting in HDRP | Unity 2021.2 (Updated Workflow) - Learn how to light an exterior scene in Unity's High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP).