Video: Using a real-time feedback system to make better games
Unknown Worlds' Hugh Jeremy explains how and why building a real-time sentiment feedback system into its open-world undersea exploration game Subnautica helped the studio make a better game.
May 25, 2015
As more and more developers invite their audience to participate in the game-making process through platforms like Steam's Early Access service, the industry needs to build and refine tools that empower studios to gauge how players respond to their updates and nimbly react accordingly.
For a good example, look no farther than GDC 2015, where Unknown Worlds' Hugh Jeremy delivered a brief Tech Toolbox lecture deconstructing how and why his studio built a real-time sentiment feedback system into its open-world undersea exploration game Subnautica.
While Jeremy's talk was aimed at indie developers (it was part of the conference's Indie Games Summit, after all) his advice on building tech tools to improve the quality of the conversation developers have with their audience during alpha development is applicable to any studio who regularly updates and changes its games.
If you missed it at GDC this year, you can now watch his talk for free over on the GDC Vault's new YouTube channel.
About the GDC Vault
In addition to this presentation, the GDC Vault and its new YouTube channel offers numerous other free videos, audio recordings, and slides from many of the recent Game Developers Conference events, and the service offers even more members-only content for GDC Vault subscribers.
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