[Korea] 5 Key Trends for 2009– ⑤ Browser-Based Games
This is the fifth installment of the five-part series: Browser-based games.
This is the fifth and the last installment of the five-part series: Browser-based games.
Browser-based games seem to be a hit in Korea. From a publisher's view, browser-based games are compatible even with low-spec PCs as long as they are connected with Internet. On top of that, relatively short development time, low server operation costs, no limit on CCUs, low publishing costs all played in favor of browser-based game frenzy in 2009.
It seems a perfect fit especially for portal operators who would love to expand their lineup with low cost browser-based games. As a result, Chinese games that already developed enough contents are expected to roll out fast in Korea.
Browser-based games became a necessity for major publishers in Korea; NCsoft has Murim Empire (무림제국: Kor) and Battle Hero (not in service yet) in its pipeline, while Nexon has 熱血三國 (열혈삼국: Kor, not in service), SONOV hasBerkanix, Aeon Soft has 武林英雄 (무림영웅: Kor) and Castle of Heroes, Actoz Soft has 縱橫天下 (종횡천하: Kor). Mgame also announced its expansion plan for browser-based games.
<Aeon Soft's Castle of Heroes>
Suhee Lee, a CEO of Joara, discussed the current trend of the browser-based game's success at Korea Games Conference (KGC) 2009. "The market size of Korean browser-based games is estimated at 3 billion Won (US$ 2.3 million), which is considerably small compared to the online gaming market. 7th Dragon (칠용전설: Kor) which is considered as the most successful game in the genre makes only 200~300 million Won (US$ 154,000~231,000) per month," Lee explained. "However, the major publishers plan to introduce more than 10 games this year alone and probably more than 100 browser-based games next year. Under the circumstance, the market is expected to grow fast next year."
<NCsoft's Murim Empire>
* I couldn't find English titles of some games here and would appreciate if anyone would help me on that.
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