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Minecraft creator remains casual about the future of Mojang

Markus "Notch" Persson shares his thoughts on life after Minecraft and talks about the future of Mojang in a recent interview with Rolling Stone.

Alex Wawro, Contributor

May 7, 2014

2 Min Read

"Hopefully, we are going to keep making money at Mojang, but if we don't, that's fine. We just have 10 fun years, and then, the last year, we'd say to our employees, 'If we don't make any money this year, Mojang is going to be dead.  So you might want to look for new jobs."

- Minecraft creator Markus Persson explains his 10-year plan for Mojang in a new interview with Rolling Stone. The remarkable success of Minecraft has brought an equally remarkable amount of media attention upon creator Markus Persson and his studio Mojang. Persson discusses the impact that attention has had on his personal and professional life, as well as his plans for the future of Mojang, in a recent Rolling Stone interview. The story makes for a good read, and much of it is given over to explaining Mojang's success and the impact that had on Persson. "I never really had the fun teens of exploring the world, because I was sitting at home, learning programming," Persson says, when asked about whether or not the success of Minecraft contributed to the failure of his marriage. "Then everything started changing. I got the opportunity to do all the things I wanted to do...It got more complicated." There's also a decent bit of rumination from Persson about his future as a developer, and the future of Mojang as a whole. Persson seems casual about his 10-year plan for the studio, but when the Rolling Stone reporter presses him he admits to making a conscious effort to relax the pressure he feels to make his next game after Minecraft. "I think the only way I could make something fun and big is if I don't expect it to be," said Persson, and in fact his recent projects have been very small in scale -- his most recent game, Drowning in Problems, is a browser-based game created in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare 29 game jam. The full Rolling Stone interview with Persson is worth reading over on the Rolling Stone website.

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