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Last chance to register for GDC Masterclass Fall 2021 coursesLast chance to register for GDC Masterclass Fall 2021 courses

Registration for GDC Masterclass Fall 2021 courses is open until Friday, September 24 at 11:59pm PT.

Game Developer, Staff

September 23, 2021

2 Min Read

Registration is about to close for the GDC Masterclass Fall 2021 program, taking place in September. Attendees have until the end of Friday, September 24 to sign up for our latest round of popular workshops and certified courses.

The GDC Masterclass program comprises of small-group virtual workshops delivering in-depth training around some of the most important work and challenges facing game developers today. Instructors will teach, guide, and work directly with you on short assignments that help build crucial skills to support your work in the studio or your next job hunt.

To take a peek at what some of these classes have to offer, be sure to check out GDC's interview with Russell Campbell about his brand-new Unity C# and Shader Data-Structure Programming course, along with our chat with Celia Hodent about teaching Psychology and Game UX for Masterclass.

The final day to sign up is Friday, September 24 at 11:59 pm PT. You can head here to register. Here are the courses being offered in September—please note they are all happening virtually, not in-person:

Two-Day Workshops (Sept. 29, 2021 & Sept. 30, 2021)

How to Bring Story and Gameplay Together with Susan O'Connor
9:00am-1:00pm PT (12:00pm to 4:00pm ET)
This workshop will help you become the writer that designers love to work with (or vice versa).

Psychology and Game UX with Celia Hodent, PhD
8:00am-12:00pm PT (11:00am-3:00pm ET)
This workshop delves into how the human brain works and, using those insights, proposes a UX framework and UX guidelines during the different game development stages.

NEW : Unity C# and Shader Data-Structure Programming with Dr. Russell Campbell
10:00am to 3:00pm PT (2:00pm to 6:00pm ET)
In this course, students will combine data structures and GPU parallel processing to learn how to design volumetric shaders that also interact with Unity Physic

One-Day Certified Course (Sept. 30, 2021)

Certified Agile Leadership for Game Development with Clinton Keith
8:00am-4:00pm PT (11:00am-7:00pm ET)
Learn what issues traditional management approaches are facing in today's volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous (VUCA) world, and why a new leadership approach is needed to improve outcomes in these environments, with certification from the Scrum Alliance upon successful completion of the course.

There are a limited number of seats and registration is closing, so act now to secure your spot!

GDC 2022 is seeking submissions for GDC Summits, Game Career Seminar, and Masterclass. Core Concepts submissions are closed, but if you're interested sending in a late proposal for consideration you can head here for GDC contact information.

For more information on GDC Masterclass, be sure to visit our website or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or RSS.

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