Wondertouch Releases particleIllusion Professional Emitter Libraries
Wondertouch, a developer of particle effects creation tools, today announced the release of the Professional Emitter Libraries, a collection of six new particle emitter l...
Wondertouch, a developer of particle effects creation tools, today announced the release of the Professional Emitter Libraries, a collection of six new particle emitter libraries for the company's particleIllusion(TM) 3.0 software. particleIllusion is a standalone particle effects application designed as a tool to quickly add particle effects to any image, animation, or video footage. particleIllusion features a collection of over 1400 preset effects such as smoke, fire, explosions, water effects, sparkles, motion graphics effects, and others. particleIllusion features OpenGL hardware acceleration to provide near real-time previews of most effects and ultra-fast rendering of final output. Each Professional Emitter Library contains 30 emitters that cover a specific theme and reflect the stylistic influences of each of the artist creators. From Phalkanubba Rath comes the Abstract library for organic emitters useful in backgrounds; and the Text and Logo emitters featuring text or a logo that rotates, streams, and converges. Sasha Milica's libraries include Artistic Backgrounds, featuring a variety of animated background emitters; and Graphics and Distortions, which focuses on "distortion" effects meant to be used on background footage. Finally, Tom Granberg contributes Eclectic 01, showcasing both real-world effects and "space" effects like wormholes and cosmic phenomena; and Eclectic 02, containing catch-all effects including dirt, falling debris, breaking glass, clouds, auroras, and frosts. Every emitter in the Professional Emitter Libraries is completely customizable and can be tweaked to create a slight variant, or turned into a new emitter, affording new variations with little effort. Additionally, each Pro Emitter Library contains shape images (sprites) that can be re-used in other emitters and in other projects. Documentation is also provided for the collection consisting of a "catalog" of all of the emitters, a thumbnail image for each emitter, a short description, and usage notes including details of how the emitter works (where applicable) and instructions on how to modify the emitters to create variations.
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