Opinion: How will Project 2025 impact game developers?
The Heritage Foundation's manifesto for the possible next administration could do great harm to many, including large portions of the game development community.
Online advertising company GET Interactive has announced a deal with publisher and developer Sega of America to use its opt-in Ad-Venture technology in a future game, which will allow products to be purchased directly though in-game interactive content.
Officials from online advertising company GET Interactive has announced a deal with publisher and developer Sega of America to use its Ad-Venture technology, which allows products to be purchased directly though in-game interactive content. The opt-in Ad-Venture technology normally links viewers of Web-enabled video content to brands and products featured in that content. The company has indicated that it is working with Sega on a wide array of brand placement in an unspecified upcoming game. "Content creators are quickly realizing that last generation advertising models will not work for next-generation content models. The power of GET is that anywhere and any way the content can be viewed, we can be there, providing an interactive, dynamic branding scenario," said CEO Rick Harrison. "Our opt-in platform allows for content driven, one-on-one interaction between brands and their target consumers - and that's ideal for brand marketing." "With typical product placement you simply see a product in the game, GET allows you take the relationship one step further and allows the consumer to interact in a more meaningful way with the brand, " said Rob Lightner, vice president of business development at Sega of America.
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