Massive Black, Offer $10,000 In Scholarships
Massive Black, an art and design studio which has <a href="">recently performed</a> maquette work for games such ...
Massive Black, an art and design studio which has recently performed maquette work for games such as Factor 5's Lair has partnered with website to donate $10,000 worth of scholarships to art students, including those looking to work in video games, as part of a new competition. The scholarships are divided into two $5,000 awards: one to students of 2D arts, and one to those studying 3D disciplines such as modeling, texturing, animation, or lighting. Both scholarships are only for students in their third year of study or higher, but there is no restriction on location; students of any accredited school are eligible. The scholarships will be given for the Spring 2006 semester. Those applying will be judged on the basis of a submitted bio and essay, as well as a portfolio, and more details on the competition are becoming available on a specific forum as the competition continues.
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