LA Times: Japanese Dev Shift From PS3 To Wii?
In another lukewarm assessment of the PS3 in the mainstream press, the LA Times has quoted a Japanese representative from the IGDA who suggests that many studios may be shifting their focus to the Wii and away from Sony’s console.
A new mainstream press story on Sony's PlayStation 3, this time from the Los Angeles Times, has quoted a Japanese representative from the IGDA who suggests that many studios may be shifting their focus to the Wii and away from Sony’s console. The article quotes Kyoshi Shin of the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) in Japan as saying, "When people talk about the PS3 on chat forums they say it's like going to a very expensive restaurant and not getting anything to eat," perhaps a reference to Ken Kutaragi’s famous quote given to IT Media in reference to the console's high price -- “Is it not nonsense to compare the charge for dinner at the company cafeteria with dinner at a fine restaurant?” The article uses sales figures of 1.2 million PlayStation 3s in the U.S. from November to March, with 2.1 million Wiis sold during the same time and 5.3 million Xbox 360s in eighteen months. A 700 percent increase in Blu-ray movie sales in the two months since the PlayStation 3’s release is also noted. However, the article also cites Sony Computer Entertainment America president and CEO Jack Tretton as saying, “We didn't get into PS3 for the first six months of 2007 — we're into this for the next 10 years and beyond. A million units one way or another at this point isn't going to worry us."
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