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Introversion Preparing amBX Versions Of DEFCON, DarwiniaIntroversion Preparing amBX Versions Of DEFCON, Darwinia

Representatives from Introversion Software (Darwinia) have announced that the company has partnered with Philips to prepare an amBX-enhanced versions of its latest...

Brandon Boyer, Blogger

November 30, 2006

1 Min Read
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Representatives from Introversion Software (Darwinia) have announced that the company has partnered with Philips to prepare an amBX-enhanced versions of its latest PC title, the nuclear-strategy DEFCON. amBX, Philips' "ambient intelligence technology," is an integrated software engine, scripting language and hardware peripheral solution that adds additional light, color, sound, and tactile wind and rumble capabilities to a user's PC setup to further enhance the gaming experience. Philips has begun to see developers coming aboard for the experience, with Kuju and THQ both recently promising enhanced versions of their own titles. For Introversion's amBX enhanced DEFCON game, the developers promise "flashes of blinding white light and gentle rumbles indicate when your missiles have hit home," "a spine-chilling rush of air announces the raining down of fallout on millions of innocents, and fading lights to bring the "the dread of realization" as your own population decreases. In addition to the DEFCON release, Introversion has stated that over time, it plans to prepare versions of its two previous titles, Darwinia and Uplink for use with the system as well. Said Introversion managing director Mark Morris, "In all honesty we were initially a bit skeptical about amBX – a lot of peripherals have been released on the PC that have added very little to the experience, but we recently visited the amBX team in person and sat in their demo room, and the stuff they showed us just blew us away." He added, "The potential for this technology is enormous; we have only begun to scratch the surface, and there is undoubtedly a lot of exciting further experimentation we can do to maximize the gaming experience."

About the Author

Brandon Boyer


Brandon Boyer is at various times an artist, programmer, and freelance writer whose work can be seen in Edge and RESET magazines.

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