Feature: 'Advancing Your Game Industry Career within the Same Company (It Can Happen)'
Today's main Gamasutra feature sees Marc Mencher and Leah Rubin discussing ways of developing a lasting career in the video game industry, including what companies can do...
Today's main Gamasutra feature sees Marc Mencher and Leah Rubin discussing ways of developing a lasting career in the video game industry, including what companies can do to help their employees travel a happily ascending career path, and what workers can do to keep their bosses happy and get ahead in the business. The article is introduced with the following conundrum from the pair: "We've all seen the retirement party scene in movies and commercials: Hal is retiring after 25 years at the company. Toasts are given and cake eaten before a tearful Hal packs up the last of his desk and walks out the door. Does anyone in the game industry ever get a retirement party? If you make it with one company for more than a year you may feel as though you deserve one. Is the only way to advance to continue to jump from developer to developer? Or is an upwardly progressing career path within one company an actual possibility in games? In short, the answer depends on you and the company. The following addresses what a company can do, and what you can do within that company, to advance your career so you can have your retirement party cake and eat it, too." You can now read the full Gamasutra feature on the subject (no registration required, please feel free to link to the article from external websites).
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