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Best Of GamerBytes: Still Alive For TetrisBest Of GamerBytes: Still Alive For Tetris

Every week, Gamasutra sister console digital download site Gamerbytes passes along the top XBLA, PSN, and WiiWare news of the week -- this time pointing out Portal: Still Alive coming to Xbox Live Arcade, _

Ryan Langley, Blogger

October 22, 2008

3 Min Read
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[Every week, Gamasutra sister weblog GamerBytes' editor Ryan Langley will be summing up the top console digital download news tidbits from the past 7 days, including brand new game announcements and scoops through the world of Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and WiiWare.] Last week was slow, yet not. It's surprising how little Xbox Live Arcade and WiiWare news popped out, while the PlayStation Network got the lion's share of announcements and revelations. Doesn't happen too often. This week, you'll be able to pick up Portal: Still Alive on Xbox Live Arcade. If you've never played the Orange Box versions on the console or PC, you'd be silly not to download this. Cheaper than the PC version, too. Last week on the PlayStation Network, we got SOCOM Confrontation. New and old players alike are enjoying it quite a lot -- though it seems that it's going through a few problems right now. Hopefully everything settles down once the weight gets taken off the servers. The 500MB instant patch didn't help either. On WiiWare, you've got Tetris Party -- apparently a great new addition to the platform -- and The Incredible Maze, a game that nobody had heard of before today. This week, we're also starting a new set of columns - the monthly wrap-up of the best games for each downloadable service. Xbox Live Arcade This week on Xbox Live Arcade - Portal: Still Alive 2007's PC game of the year is making its way to the Xbox Live Arcade this week. If you never got the chance to play this game, I'd suggest you do so now. Gamerbytes Interview - NinjaBee On A Kingdom of Keflings, Boingz and Doritos: DOD We get the chance to chat with indie downloadable game aficionados NinjaBee about their three upcoming titles for WiiWare and Xbox Live Arcade. PlayStation Network NA PSN Store Update: Confrontation, No Booty It's been a long wait, but the PlayStation 3 was able to become a Navy Seal in the multiplayer of SOCOM: Confrontation. People have been having quite a few problems getting online, I hear -- hopefully that gets fixed. Unfortunately, Age of Booty was not released - instead, delayed until November for PSN users. TGS 2008 - Gamersyde Gomibako and Flower Gameplay Videos Gomibako aka "Junk Tetris" was a hit at TGS last week, but there was little to no media for it anywhere. Video ninjas Gamersyde get some videos on the sly - check it out. PomPom Games Announce Astro Tripper For PlayStation Network From the people who brought you the Mutant Storm series on Xbox Live Arcade comes Astro Tripper - a grand rethink of their classic PC title, and exclusive to the PlayStation Network. Guest Analysis: A Curmudgeon's Review Of Qore - Episode 05 This months Qore review by guest analyst Matt Matthews discusses Fallout 3, Resident Evil 5, and Dead Space, as showcased by Sony's official online video magazine. High Velocity Bowling Becomes What It Should Have Been Remember High Velocity Bowling? The developers sure do - they're bringing a giant update to this title soon - including online play and Trophies! WiiWare NA WiiWare Update - Tetris Party, Mega Man 9 DLC and... The Incredible Maze? Tetris Party bursts onto the scene with online play and a flurry of gameplay modes, while The Incredible Maze sneaks in on the side, unnoticed by the masses. Not our fault - they didn't tell us they're even making the game! The September Wrapup Every month, we'll recap the top games for each console for the previous month, with review round-ups galore. This time, we have a look back at WipEout HD, Shred Nebula, Mega Man 9, Strong Bad, Duke Nukem 3D and more. The September Wrapup: What You May Have Missed Out On XBLA? The September Wrapup: PSN Gets Wiped Out On Classic Titles The September Wrapup: WiiWare's Strong Mega Bomb

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