'Question Of The Week' Debates DS, PSP Rivalry
After the success of the first question, with <a href="http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20050207/carless_01.shtml">over 60 industry respondents</a> on a rich range of to...
After the success of the first question, with over 60 industry respondents on a rich range of topics, Gamasutra is continuing the 'Question Of The Week' feature, a specific industry-related question to be answered by professional game developers and Gamasutra readers, this time touching on the upcoming portable gaming maelstrom. The new question can be answered at the official Question Of The Week page until February 14th, and is: 'Is there really a fight for market share between the PSP and DS? (Nintendo claims there isn't.) If so, who's going to win?' As with the previous question, the best responses will be compiled into an article to be published on the site, and users can either respond publically, with their name and company specifically cited, or anonymize their answers if they wish.
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