Apex Legends Mobile kicks off a regional beta this month
A mobile release of Respawn's battle royale game _Apex Legends _has been on EA's to-do list for a while now, and it looks like the mobile version of the game is nearly ready to see the light of day.
A mobile release of Respawn's battle royale game Apex Legends has been on EA's to-do list for a while now, and it looks like the mobile version of the game is nearly ready to see the light of day.
EA has announced plans to roll out a regional beta for Apex Legends Mobile, roughly two years after the game first debuted on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
The goal is to gradually let more and more players in different regions into the game over the course of 2021, but for now the beta is opening only for a few thousand players in India and the Philippines. Currently, the beta is also Android only, though an iOS expansion is planned down the line.
Additionally, EA notes in a blog post that Apex Legends Mobile won't offer cross-play with other platforms.
"Apex Legends Mobile will feature its own Battle Passes, collectible cosmetics, and unlockables unique from those found in the PC and console versions of Apex Legends," adds a FAQ shared by EA
Apex Legends Mobile has been a long time coming and ultimately reflects EA's desire to become a stronger presence in mobile and better tap into what EA CEO Andrew Wilson calls an "unbelievable exponential opportunity" for EA franchises in worldwide markets.
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