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The GDC 2018 Game Narrative Summit needs your best talks!

Submit your talks for next year's GDC Game Narrative Summit, which addresses interactive narrative in all its forms, from AAA blockbusters to indie games to mobile/social projects.

September 12, 2017

3 Min Read

With the Game Developers Conference returning to the Moscone Center in San Francisco, March 19-23, 2018, organizers want to make sure you know that they're currently accepting pitches for Summit sessions!

Specifically, they're taking pitches for talks that would be a good fit for the Virtual Reality Developers Conference @ GDC (or just VRDC@GDC), GDC Summits, and the Game Career Seminar through Friday, September 29th at 11:59 pm Pacific Time! 

With that in mind we want to make sure you know about the GDC Game Narrative Summit, a set of sessions that aims to address interactive narrative in all its forms, from AAA blockbusters to indie games to mobile/social projects. The summit regularly features an all-star lineup of speakers from every corner of the discipline.

Session content ranges from the advanced and theoretical to practical case studies and advocacy for writers, designers, producers, and others seeking to expand their understanding of game narrative. The Game Narrative Summit attracts attendees from all over the world with a passionate interest in the ongoing evolution of interactive storytelling as a driving force in the future of entertainment.

The summit's preferred submission format is 30-minute lectures, though we may consider longer talks for subjects that warrant more in-depth approaches. The board reserves the right to suggest changes in any submissions. We welcome proposals addressing all aspects of game narrative, including (but not limited to!):

  • Case studies of recent projects that demonstrate exemplary game writing

  • Fresh takes on traditional narrative techniques as adapted for interactive storytelling

  • Theoretical and conceptual advances that drive change in game narrative

  • New insights into the role of the interactive writer in franchise development

  • Analyses of timely issues in the game narrative field, e.g. inclusivity, ethical dilemmas, etc.

  • Spotlighting best practices within specific areas of interactive writing, including:

  • Narrative and emergent game technologies, e.g. VR, AR

  • Narrative in mobile, social, and casual games

  • The writing of specific game genres, e.g. FPS, RPG, MMO, MOBA, etc.

  • Resonating with specific target audiences, e.g. children, international markets, etc.

  • Advancing specific objectives, e.g. awareness, change

  • Navigating the challenges inherent to certain types of game projects

  • Focused insights on any specific elements of game narrative, e.g. character, dialogue

  • Lessons drawn from games that go beyond dialogue and focus on non-verbal narrative

  • Adapting narrative constructs from other media to games, e.g. film, comics, literature

  • Inspirational demonstrations in emotive game content

  • Business and career advice to help game writers succeed professionally

  • Verifiable evidence of the positive effects interactive storytelling can have

  • Experts debating opposing points of view on any of these topics

The Game Narrative Summit, all other GDC Summits, and VRDC@GDC will be held March 19-20, 2018 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. The Game Career Seminar takes place in the same location on Friday, March 23, 2018. 

So if you want to speak at GDC 2018, submit your talk now! (For VRDC@GDC 2018, click here.) For more details on the submission process or GDC 2018 in general visit the show's official website, or subscribe to regular updates via Facebook, Twitter, or RSS.

Gamasutra and GDC are sibling organizations under parent UBM Americas

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