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Heavy Rain's David Cage: 'I don't care' if my games are art

Outspoken director David Cage tells Gamasutra that, if "people still talk about it 50 years from now", his games might be regarded as art, but for right now, he doesn't concern himself with such questions.

May 25, 2012

1 Min Read

When asked if he considers himself an auteur, Cage had to think about how to answer the question. "Do I consider myself doing art? Honestly, certainly not. I don't think I'm doing art. I'm just doing it by passion, and I'm doing what I believe in." The creator sees himself as part of a team collaborating together -- and that’s what’s important to him. “That's really what we do. And if something of what we create today, people still talk about it 50 years from now, then we'll say, 'Okay, it was art.' But that's really not something I have in mind every morning. Honestly, I don't care.” He does, however, see himself as an auteur in one sense: "I spend a year writing this stuff. It's one year of my life doing this from morning to night, non-stop, for a year. And I put a lot of myself. I'm not talking about me -- I'm talking about what I feel, what I think. Heavy Rain was really about me becoming a father, and all the fears that go with it. Yeah, all the fear and all the promise and all the things... In that sense, yeah, I think I'm an auteur, in a way." The full feature interview, in which Cage discusses everything from the technology that drives Kara -- the new technology demo he showcased at this year’s GDC -- to how his writing process shapes his games and vice versa, is live now on Gamasutra.

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