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Read Raw Fury's publishing terms (without signing your soul away first)

Transparency on this front makes for better industry, allowing devs to make more informed decisions when it comes to signing publishing agreements for their own games.

Alissa McAloon, Publisher

December 22, 2020

2 Min Read

Publisher Raw Fury has cut the ribbon on a new DevResources Page, and in doing so shared a valuable treasure trove of information including templates for publishing agreements, pitch decks, outsourcing agreements, financial projections, and more.

Though more folks have spoken up about what developers should look for in things like publishing agreements lately, information on those sort of documents can often be tricky to find.

Transparency on this front makes for better industry, allowing devs to make more informed decisions when it comes to signing publishing agreements for their own games.

Raw Fury notes in a blog post that its this exact line of thinking that inspired the team to publish these resources. Doing so also aims to lower the game industry's barrier of entry by providing resources (translated into seven different languages)  to developers where some of this info might be more difficult to come across.

"Learning which sorts of deals were out there was tough, if not impossible, unless you knew the right people who could then share that information (broadly) with you," explains the Raw Fury team. "We believe having publisher contracts out in the open helps level the playing field, and allows devs to have a more intimate understanding of the machinations of different deals when they start looking for partnerships."

"We hope sharing this knowledge can help combat shady practices where predatory people and companies fleece devs by virtue of this knowledge being so scarce, trapping developers in bad deals through the obscurity of legal jargon. When you’ve been in the industry for a while you start hearing the horror stories, and while this is not going to end all of that – it is a step in the right direction."

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