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Rants around game development and production issuesRants around game development and production issues

Some of my rants around game development and production.

Trent Oster, Blogger

April 7, 2011

2 Min Read
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Some of my game development rants

4 January 2011

I was thinking about some of the lessons I’ve learned (the bad way) over the years.   I thought I’d just throw a quick list together and post it up for people to have a look at.  I've started to go into some details over on my home blog at TrentOster.com

  • Iteration is everything

  • A renderer is not a game engine

  • A great renderer with lousy tools makes a lousy looking game

  • No team should (or will) ever seriously consider using a game engine until it has shipped at least one successful title.

  • Never license software for the features in the next release. License for the current version.

  • Most programmers are overly optimistic about the time required to build a new version of and old system, especially if they didn’t write the earlier version.

  • Depth (or complexity) in a game is best engineered through the interaction of a few simple systems which give the desired result.  Unstructured complexity is just a nightmare

  • No design idea goes straight from concept to a good game mechanic without iteration. (see point 1)

  • You are not ready for production of a game until your team can create gold standard slices of all imagined forms of gameplay.

  • To make a great game you must love the subject matter and intuitively know what does and does not belong.

  • The key to a great game is a great team.

  • The key to a great team is respect and alignment.

  • Team alignment is best achieved through an early gameplay mockup video or animatic

  • If you ask five members of the team to describe the game you are making and they all describe something wildly different, you are on your way to game development hell.

  • A game concept you cannot describe in 2 minutes without using game examples is a game which will never be funded.


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About the Author

Trent Oster


Trent Oster has been in game development for the last seventeen years, the vast majority working at BioWare as a Project Director. He started his career as an independent developer, co-creating a shareware title called 'Blasteroids 3D' as a proof of concept. Following 'Blasteroids' as one of six equal shareholders he co-founded Bioware. Less than a year later, Trent and his brother broke off from Bioware and formed 'Pyrotek Game Studios', taking the development of 'Shattered Steel' with them. Pyrotek lasted a little over a year before Trent and 'Shattered Steel' rejoined BioWare. During his second BioWare stint, He worked on 'Baldur's Gate', lead the development of 'Neverwinter Nights' and expansions, and served two years as the Director of Technology where he led the early development on the Eclipse Engine (which powers Dragon Age and DA2). After Eclipse, Trent returned to Directing and started a new and exciting project which failed to survive the recession. Trent and EA/BioWare parted ways in June 2009 and with former BioWare cohort Cameron Tofer, Trent co-founded Beamdog and Overhaul Games. When not working on something video game related Trent likes sports car racing entirely too much: www.rxracing.com

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