Omdia Analysis: Just how many games have been sold on Nintendo Switch?
We'll give you a hint, you need a comma to write down the number.
Datapoint of the Week is a recurring Game Developer series made possible by our sibling company and global research leader Omdia.
With some 5,000 games and counting having been released for download on Nintendo’s Switch store – a record release slate, for a console – the need for more channels of discovery on digital stores just keeps growing.
The topic of discoverability remains critical for consoles because they have to be able to demonstrate value to content partners. Primarily, they do this via an installed base of hardware, representing an audience of potential users. But with digital and connectivity increasingly facilitating so much game-related content, what’s the point of releasing your game onto a platform if it just gets lost in the crowd?
For more data on Nintendo Switch Sales, be sure to read Omdia's full report.
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