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MMO players on mobile can be just as loyal as on PC

"They log in about five times a day for about three hours, and give us about $115 a quarter." - Spacetime Studios' CEO Gary Gattis on the loyalty of his mobile MMO players.

October 11, 2012

1 Min Read

"They log in about five times a day for about three hours, and give us about $115 a quarter."

- Spacetime Studios' CEO Gary Gattis on the loyalty of his mobile MMO players. The challenges of developing a mobile MMO are no different than of developing for PC or console. The games require intense backend technology, a great business model, and constant updating. Still, if all of the pieces of the puzzle are in place, the rewards can be stellar. Gattis' comments come alongside those from Shadow Cities developer Gray Area and Order & Chaos Online developer Gameloft in a new Gamasutra feature on the topic of mobile MMO development. Spacetime Studios has three MMOs -- the fantasy-themed Pocket Legends, horror Dark Legends, and sci-fi Star Legends -- which are available for iOS, Android, and browser via Chrome Web Store. Gattis says that his players are so loyal that they "would plug their phones into their computers to maintain a charge, and play for hours and hours on end." These loyal players "have stayed with us since the beginning, and they're not outliers, they're a significant portion of our player base." On the success of its first three titles, Gattis' studio is developing a fourth, Arcane Legends, due to ship soon.

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