[Korea] 5 Key Trends for 2009– ② Anything Zombie
The post discussed the key trends for 2009 in the Korean online gaming market: ② Anything Zombie
This is the second installment of the five-part series: Anything zombie.
The trend started with Counter Strike Online: Zombie 3 and Left4Dead 2, then it took off as other companies added zombie characters in their games such as Nexon America’s Combat Arms, Sonov’s Project D, WeMade’s Gem Fighter, GameHi’s Zombie Online, Nexon’s Bubble Fighter and BnB. It turned out that players loved the fight against the undead.
counter strike online
<Counter Strike Online>
Introducing zombies into the games brought the horror aspect into the simple match. “Zombies naturally play perfect villains thanks to its horror and freakish strength. Especially for FPS games, it created a whole new game between player vs. zombie rather than the old player vs. player. Also, the game is not just about one-shot-one-kill anymore. You can fire up your entire weapon to kill zombies. And that’s a different kind of fun,” explained an industry insider.
<Evena casual quiz game like BnB adapted a zombie theme>
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