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Empowering Children with Creative ToolsEmpowering Children with Creative Tools

Video games are magical to children. Everyone takes them seriously, they can retry the same challenge over and over again, and they give them immense power.

And not just the illusion of strength. Video games give children creative power.

Toby Lurio, Blogger

August 21, 2013

1 Min Read
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Being a child is difficult. You feel powerless in the world, almost completely unable to affect the people around you. Adults don’t take you seriously, difficult ideas are usually out of your reach, and even simple things are pretty hard to do.

This is why video games are so magical to children. In video games, children can do everything adults can and more. Everyone takes you seriously, you can retry the same challenge over and over again, and they can give you immense power.

And not just the illusion of strength. Video games give children creative power.

Minecraft is huge for kids today. It’s a world that’s simplified as much as possible, but has incredible potential to become most anything. When a kid plays Minecraft, they exit their world of complicated, almost unsolvable problems, to enter a place where they can explore infinite spaces and make creative masterpieces. With no pressure. And all you need to do is click. It’s so simple that even a child could do it.

Children need these simple, but powerful creative tools. They have incredible elastic minds, but they won’t be able to use them unless they have time and intuitive design. And if you add fun to the mix, they’ll learn twice as fast.

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