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Ludum Dare's October Challenge 2012
Finish a game, take it to market, and earn $1 this October! Not your typical Game Jam.
Hey Folks! I'm Mike, an Independent Game Developer and one of the people behind the popular Ludum Dare online Game Jam event (Over 2800 games made during our recent August and April events). I'm here to invite you to participate in a very special event we're running this month, The October Challenge.
The Challenge isn't a typical game jam, but the rules are simple:
Finish a game — Take it to market — Earn $1
Take something you made during a prior game jam, something else you've been working on, or even make something entirely new over the month. Before November 1st, publish or submit your game to your respected market. And if it earns $1, you did it! Easy as that.
More details can be found on our website.
We've seen time and time again in our decade running Ludum Dare that having a shared deadline is incredibly encouraging and inspiring when trying to finish something. So the October Challenge is our attempt to bring that same community driven goal of finishing from a 2-3 day mini-game to a full commercial product.
We're also inviting platform holders, portals, middleware providers, or anyone involved in getting games finished or in front of people to get in touch. We have an eagar community of content creators looking for opportunities to make money from the games they create.
To better understand what we're asking for, our current list of resources and opportunities for the month can be found here:
If we've missed something, or you want to do something special for us, feel free to contact me dirctly, or send me a tweet @mikekasprzak.
Participants are encouraged to share progress with us on the Ludum Dare website. We'll be setting up a submission form soon to collect a list of all games finished for the Challenge.
And that's the challenge. Do you accept?
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