First Blog Post
Just a basic blog post summary regarding thoughts of a beginner programmer and the industry at large.
This is blogtastic. Really.
At this very moment I am sitting in my Game History and Development course at my dream college...and completely getting my metaphysical arse kicked in by C++. There are a lot of professionals who operate on this site who might say "oh, that's easy compared to (insert smart sounding language here)". Honestly, for someone who has never touched code before 5 months ago, my brain is certainly being racked. Almost half of the students in our major have dropped. Very disconcering. Either way, gotta continue on right?
This will be a very short blog but here are some goals I have for myself:
-Actually understand this code and stuff
-Get a job at an independent developer that I hope won't go under by the time I have a degree in my hands.
-Mountain dew. I want lots of it. Plz?
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