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Comparison UnityAds, AdColony, Chartboost, AdBuddiz

Share our first experiences with addimplementation from several providers. Short comparison UnityAds, AdColony, Chartboost, AdBuddiz.

jan Neuber, Blogger

July 22, 2015

4 Min Read

Let me share these thoughts on comparision of advertise partners for mobile with you.
We published these blogarticle first on www.howtomakemobilegames.com but want you to get our experiences as well.

We have our first Game Chased - Flight or Fight published about a month a ago. And our  new game Freaky Blocks is released for nearly a week. Both games are made with Unity and are quite good in our opinion.

In Chased we added following Add-Solutions:
AdMob - (deleted it again, as google play services stopped working)

UnityAds - However, I only managed to have skipable videos
AdColony - unskipable Videos, nice Dashboard

AdBuddiz - Static Interstitials

And last week we added to our new game Freaky Blocks and today to our older game Chased (Chart belongs to Freaky Blocks)
So let us compare this Ad Solutions to you:

  • Chartboost and AdColony have the best Dashboards and get updated with only ~hour delay. UnityAds and AdBuddiz have worse Dashboards with less information. UnityAds updates the data also with an hour delay and AdBuddiz only once per day (I often stay awake for the 2 pm update)

  • AdBuddiz was the easiest to implement (5 minutes), all others worked too after an hour of implementing

  • Chartboost and UnityAds lets you configure the genre of the games you want to show, AdColony and AdBuddiz only lets you set the age of the target group

Now to the exciting part, how much money do they make?

  • AdBuddiz needs to have some hundred impressions before they start showing ecpm, but than they have an ecpm of 1-2$ (so you get around 1 cent per 10 views). However the interstials are less interrupting the game and can be showen more often therefor. The Ads are not of such a high quality und get repetetive faster (maybe the will find more new partners soon), so Installs are less likely (2 Installs after 3500 Views)

  • We only received earning from UnityAds installs, the videos have a rather low quality

  • AdColony has the best video quality with its hd videos, but only pays 0.5 ecpm per completed view (it starts with 1 ecpm at first view and goes down to 0 ecpm when you watched some videos without downloading something). When all videos showen AdColony stops sending videos and you should swap to another Ad Solution.

  • Chartboost has the greatest ecpm of completed videos with about 5 ecpm, however they only pay 1 cent for an download so you just have to show them. As we made the videos skipable the ecpm went down to 0, even when the videos got watched completly we did not receive earnings, so we put them back to unskipable. The interstitials are the complete opposite: They only pay per Install and not when showen (for me it was the case, if you experienced something else please comment here). As you can set the minimum price for pay at install, this also works pretty well.

  • All of them pay around 2$ per Install (excepts for the Chartboost Videos)

Our total current ecpm so far (they are still waving a lot and I need to show more ads to have more solid numbers:

With Chartboost we have an ecpm of 5$, AdColony is at 4$, for UnityAds we calculated about 6$ ecpm and AdBuddiz has 1.3$ ecpm (which is also ok because its lets interruptive than videos)


We are totally happy with the combination of all 4 Ad Solutions inside our Game Chased (Freaky Blocks only uses Chartboost by now) and we will not stop using any of them by now. Having this 4 differant Ads gives our users the greatest variety of ads and we  have the biggest chance that the user klicks or installs any of them. I like Chartboost and AdColony for the great Information they give me, AdBuddiz because it is so simple and the skipable videos of UnityAds are also a benefit to my game.

PS: We used to have videos only showen as a reward for players, honoring that with coins, but that has brought nothing (less than 1% videos, compared to games played), so I started showing videos today also after game is over and this increased my income pretty much (You can see it in the AdColony graph, the estimated rising - even while the day is only half over)

This was my first post, so i am happy about any comments if this post was helpful or what we could do better next time. If anyone would consider downloading and rating our games, that would help us a lot aswell [wink]

Wink - ;)

 and you could also examine how we implemented the differant Ads in my Game.

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