THQ Picks Up Game Rights For Games Based On Deepak Chopra's Teachings
THQ announced today it has obtained the exclusive rights to make video games based on the teachings of spirituality and alternative medicine proponent Dr. Deepak Chopra.
THQ announced today it has obtained the exclusive rights to make video games based on the teachings of spirituality expert and alternative medicine proponent Dr. Deepak Chopra. While the agreement reportedly covers all major video game consoles, portable systems, wireless devices and "online gaming portals," specific release plans and game play details were not included in the announcement. "We look forward to translating Dr. Chopra's teachings and practices into a video game that provides gamers with a truly unique and rewarding experience," said Martin Good, Executive Vice President, THQ Kids, Family, Casual Games, and Global Online Services. The announcement was made in conjunction with Chopra-property-holder Curious Pictures, a production company that has previously done animation work for Harmonix and Rockstar, in addition to design work for some branded online games. "We are excited to take the Deepak Chopra properties to innovative platforms that appeal to a mass market audience," said Lewis Kofsky, Executive Producer and Partner, Curious Pictures. "We are confident THQ will introduce and bring his work to life in ways that will engage his followers and gamers alike in a whole new way." Chopra worked as a doctor and professor before studying traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine under the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the '80s. A prolific self help and new age author and public speaker, Chopra has drawn criticism for his support of alternative medicine and his conflation of scientific evidence with faith healing practices. THQ's maintains game licensing relationships with numerous cross-media properties including World Wrestling Entertainment, Disney/Pixar, Dreamworks and Nickelodeon.
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