Gamasutra Member Blogs: From Stealth To More Than Design
In highlights from <a href="">Gamasutra's Member Blogs</a>, our bloggers write about diverse topics, including the evolution of the stealth genre, what designers should know about visual arts, and more.
[In highlights from Gamasutra's Member Blogs, our bloggers write about diverse topics, including the evolution of the stealth genre, what designers should know about visual arts, and more.] Member Blogs can be maintained by any registered Gamasutra user, while invitation-only Expert Blogs -- also highlighted weekly -- are written by selected development professionals. We hope that our blog sections can provide useful and interesting viewpoints on our industry. For more information, check out the official posting guidelines. Here are the top member blogs for the week: This Week's Standout Member Blogs - The History And Meaning Behind The 'Stealth Genre' (Muhammad Al-kaisy) There has been an evident evolution in the stealth genre, argues Muhammad Al-kaisy, and today we see that more and more developers have started to incorporate stealth elements into gameplay. - Finally – The End Of Splitscreen Gaming? (Christoph Kaindel) Christoph Kaindel looks at why the "Playstation Monitor" Sony revealed at E3 may just prove to be revolutionary in its use of 3D technology to render splitscreen gaming obsolete. - Nintendo's Wii U And Healing Hurt Feelings (Ben Sullivan) As Nintendo announced its successor to the Wii last week, Ben Sullivan notes that the rest of the gaming industry responded with a collective shrug and showed off a multitude of trilogy-ending games. - Getting Press For Your Game (Peter Kjaer) Peter Kjaer's studio just submitted its first game for review, and now it's trying to get some press for the title. Here, he shares why getting that press has been more complicated than you would think. - More Than Design (Part 1: Art) (Douglas Lynn) What should designers know about visual arts as they work to build game experiences? In the first chapter of a planned continuing series, Douglas Lynn attempt to investigate this question.
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