Chat with the developers behind The Occupation at 1PM ET
Join the developers of The Occupation for a chat on the making of their game starting at 1PM ET on the GDC Twitch channel.
This week, UK developer White Paper Games is releasing The Occupation, an investigative thriller that plays like Deus Ex but tests players with a fixed clock as they solve their investigation. It's a really unique game that got featured in Epic's GDC booth last year, and today on the GDC Twitch channel, the developers will be swinging by for a chat during a livestream of their game.
If you're a fan of immersive sim-style games (think Deus Ex, Dishonored), and games built on investigation mechanics, you should definitely swing by and ask questions for the developers. If you're not, swing by and ask questions anyway!
And for more developer interviews and curated GDC talks, be sure to follow the GDC Twitch channel.
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