Zynga picks up new mobile gaming studios
Zynga's recent mobile game company buying spree including two previously unknown purchases, according to online reports. The company <a href=http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/18/us-zynga-idUSTRE80H24V20120118>told Reuters</a> on Wednesday that it acq
Newsbrief: Zynga's recent mobile game company buying spree including two previously unknown purchases, according to online reports. The company told Reuters on Wednesday that it acquired Germany's Gamedoctors and the San Francisco's Page44 Studios in December. With these new acquisitions, Zynga hopes to increase its efforts in the mobile gaming space, particularly by expanding its catalog of available titles. Both of the company's new studios have a history with iOS development, and have already released titles on the platform. For instance, Gamedoctors previously developed the action-heavy ZombieSmash, while Page44 worked on the iOS port of 2D Boy's World of Goo. Reuters also reported that Zynga acquired mobile companies HipLogic and Astro Ape Studios, confirming rumors that arose late last year.
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