Sony Interactive Entertainment is giving an olive branch to developers in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region. Its Hero Project incubator program will "identify promising local developers and support them" through mentorship and training programs."
The program aims to "drive growth and innovation with developers in the MENA region," and also "lower the barrier of entry and showcase the most incredible talents emerging from this region."
Studios based in countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq are eligible to apply. Per the FAQ, project-based funding will be provided for PlayStation 5, PC, and PlayStation VR2 games.
Mobile titles will be considered on a "case-by-case" basis, but must have cross-platform features. Regardless of the platform, all applicants will be able to apply for a minimum of $100,000 in funding.
Promise for game development in MENA
The MENA region has been touted as a "promising" place holding new developers by PlayStation and other studios. Last week, Kwalee launced an Arabic-language version of its Heatseeker platform specifically to aid MENA studios.
Similarly, the Narwhal Accelerator program was launched in January by Owlcat Games alums Dmitrii Filatov and Grigory Bortnik as a way to provide financial assistance to that region's developers, along with those in Europe and Latin America.
In its announcement, SIE said it would make similar programs for other regions in the future to "identify new and diverse developers worldwide. [...] We warmly welcome new voices, ideas, and experiences from [MENA's] Development Community."
More information on the MENA Hero Project can be read here. Developers based in Saudi Arabia can apply here, while others in the region-appropriate countries apply here.
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