Chat with the makers of Overland today at 3PM EST
Take a ride in Overland with a dog at your side with the folks from Finji today at 3PM EST on the GDC Twitch channel.
Overland, out as of a couple weeks ago, is a post-apocalyptic tactics game from indie powerhouse Finji, the company that published Night in the Woods.
It's a long-in-development entry in the genre that combines cute dog companions and grim-as-heck systemic storytelling. Players can struggle for resources, abandon companions, make new friends, all in a single run.
Overland's been creating buzz for sometime, so today on the GDC Twitch channel, the folks from Finji (led by Adam Saltsman) will be dropping by to take your questions! If you want to learn more about polishing polygonal tactics games, or keeping the lights on at a small game dev shop, drop by and ask your questions in Twitch chat!
And for more dev interviews and select GDC talks, be sure to follow the GDC Twitch channel.
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