A call for blogs: Your chance to connect with Gamasutra's readers
Our site thrives when you contribute your thoughts to it -- so this is our request for you to get started with Gamasutra blogs right now.
Much of the very best content on Gamasutra comes from you, our readers. Only you can write about the real experiences you encounter when making games. Only you can help your peers in the game industry avoid making the mistakes you made -- or use the techniques you created to make better, more successful games. To make it even easier to communicate directly with them, we introduced a blog system to the site. And if you've recently visited Gamasutra, you know that these blog posts are some of the very best stuff we have -- whether it's Ramin Shokrizade's post on free-to-play monetization, Tom Abernathy's look at what the creative process on the new season of Arrested Development means for game narrative, Thomas Grip's analysis of The Last of Us and the action genre, or Thais Weiller's satirical slaying of the sacred cows of game design. And that's stuff from the last two weeks. We've made blog posts a central feature of the site. Every day, we make sure the best of the best are put in front of our readers. But it isn't something we can do without you. We need more amazing writing from game developers of all kinds! You can share your experiences and your ideas with our audience immediately via Gamasutra blogs. And we'll make sure that your writing gets the chance it deserves to connect with your peers. Just familiarize yourself with our guidelines and then get started. And if you're not quite sure about what to write, but think you're onto something, feel free to reach out to blog director Christian Nutt via email or Twitter. We'll figure it out.
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